Welcome to HSA Events at Immaculate Heart of Mary

May 17, 2020

At Immaculate Heart of Mary - Scarsdale, NY, we take pride in organizing a variety of engaging and enriching events through our Home & School Association (HSA). Our dedicated team works diligently to provide a vibrant social, educational, and recreational calendar for individuals and families in the community. With a focus on fostering connections and creating memorable experiences, our HSA events are designed to cater to all age groups and interests.

Discover the Excellence of HSA Events

Our HSA events are carefully curated to offer something for everyone. From educational seminars and workshops to entertaining social gatherings, our goal is to bring community members together and strengthen bonds through shared experiences.

Engaging Educational Events

Learning is a lifelong journey, and at Immaculate Heart of Mary, we recognize the importance of ongoing education for individuals of all ages. Our HSA events include informative seminars, workshops, and guest speaker sessions on a wide range of topics. Whether you're interested in enhancing your parenting skills, improving your financial literacy, or exploring new hobbies, our educational events provide valuable insights and knowledge.

Social Gatherings for Connection

We believe in the power of connections and the importance of fostering a strong sense of community. Our HSA organizes various social gatherings throughout the year, providing opportunities for families, friends, and neighbors to come together, relax, and enjoy each other's company. From seasonal festivals and picnics to themed parties and charity events, our social gatherings aim to create lasting memories while strengthening the community bonds.

Recreational Activities for All Ages

Staying active and engaged is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That's why our HSA puts immense effort into organizing recreational activities suitable for individuals of all ages. From sports tournaments and fitness challenges to art classes and outdoor expeditions, our recreational events cater to diverse interests and abilities. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, an art lover, or simply looking for a fun way to spend time with loved ones, our recreational activities offer something for everyone.

Join Us for the Next HSA Event

We invite you to be a part of our vibrant HSA community and join us for the next exciting event. Immaculate Heart of Mary's HSA events are open to all, regardless of age, background, or affiliation. Whether you're a member of our parish, a resident of Scarsdale, NY, or visiting the area, we welcome you to experience the warmth and joy that our HSA events bring.

Stay updated with our upcoming events and be sure not to miss out on the enriching opportunities we offer. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or visit our website regularly for event announcements, registration details, and more.

  • Connect with us on Facebook: Immaculate Heart of Mary on Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram: Immaculate Heart of Mary on Instagram
  • Subscribe to our newsletter: Newsletter Subscription

Immaculate Heart of Mary's HSA Events - Engaging. Enriching. Unforgettable.